What we do

Our services

Learn more about the general services that we offer for student athletes looking to gain NCAA eligbility. To learn more about the packages that we offer, view our pricing page.

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Comprehensive analysis

Transcript review

Get a comprehensive review of your transcript from our NCAA elgibility experts. We’ll check which courses you have already taken to determine where you are in the eligibility process. Know how your eligibility is looking far before you are able to apply, so you can focus on bettering yourself in your sport and academics on the way to the NCAA.

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Evaluation & planning

Academic advising

Based on your transcript review, we’ll provide an academic roadmap for the remainder of your high school curriculum. Take the right courses and know what grades you need in each to reach your eligibility goals.

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We’ll handle the paperwork

Form submission & management

When the time comes to start submitting your information to the NCAA, let us take that off your hands. The end of high school can be a busy time for student athletes and parents alike, so we’ll take care of the entire process for you. Plus, the application fee is included in our service price.

Service may only be offered in specific packages. View our pricing page to learn more.

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Anything else you need

Ongoing advising

For student athletes with more complex situations, know that we’re always here for you should eligibility issues arise. We stand by our work, so we’ll do whatever it takes to help you gain and maintain your NCAA eligibility, even once our initial service is complete.

Service may only be offered in specific packages. View our pricing page to learn more.

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What we do

Our pricing packages

Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Platinum
Transcript review
GPA calculation
Course Planning
GPA progression outlook
NCAA registration ($125 value)
NCAA amateurism registration
NCAA transcript submission
Apply to colleges of choice One college Five colleges
Permanent retainer for future eligibility issues (medical redshirts, waivers, transfer eligibility)